An error occurred while retrieving this content. You can view our most recent tweets on Twitter: #ButterflyEffect App for Twitter
Twitter™ has become the information network that many people use to check for or report on news, events, reviews, sports, culture, etc. The goal of the #butterflyEffect Android™ App for Twitter is to enable you to find more on Twitter using the information gathered during your searches.
Hashtags are used by Twitter users to create arbitrary "groups" to categorize their tweets and increase the visibility of them to other users. Often, special hashtags are created that are related to events, causes, marketing campaigns or merely for fun. The beauty of the hashtag is that any word or combination of words can be used as a hashtag.
This application helps you find active users creating relations between hashtags for emerging trends or topics, and find popular links related to your search criteria. Use this information to discover more on Twitter using the context created by other twitter users.
Please send feedback, comments, opinions to @BtrflyEfectTwtr. Please leave a review on Google Play and share this application with your friends.
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